function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}Sights You Must See in Yosemite National Park

Things to Do in Yosemite National Park

Things to Do in Yosemite National Park


Known for its plunging waterfalls, giant sequoia trees, sheer granite cliffs, and more, you could easily spend weeks exploring Yosemite National Park. 这个公园无论在一年中的什么时候都具有独特的吸引力. Here, 淡季——除了夏天以外的任何时候——仅仅意味着更少的人,有机会从不同的角度欣赏约塞米蒂的美丽(这也是一年中特别好的追求时间 solo travel). Spring brings gushing waterfalls, summer allows for tackling all outdoor pursuits, fall boasts colorful trees and fewer crowds, and winter 成为越野滑雪和雪鞋徒步的冰雪仙境. (Ed. 注意:在开车前往约塞米蒂之前,游客必须在10月10日之前前往. 27 are advised to check the park's Plan Your Visit FAQ page for the latest reservations policies, as well as the Current Conditions page. 由于下雪、洪水和其他天气状况,道路可能会封闭.)

Getting around the park is made easier by the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS), 一个负担得起的公共交通系统,可以让你在公园里漫步,没有车(不需要预订)!). 票价包括公园门票和5岁以下儿童免费乘坐付费成人游乐设施. 从默塞德的门户社区到优胜美地有四条路线, Fresno, Mammoth Lakes, and Sonora (the latter three operate in summer only).


El Capitan

Towering 3,593 feet above the Yosemite Valley floor, El Capitan 它是无可争议的花岗岩巨石之王,是勇猛的攀岩者的圣地吗. 从埃尔卡皮坦草甸好好看看地球上最大的一块花岗岩. 用一副双筒望远镜,你甚至可以看到登山者一寸一寸地向上攀登. 

如果你是花岗岩裂缝攀爬或传统攀爬的新手,可以报个班 Yosemite Mountaineering School and Guide Service in Curry Village. 初学者的“欢迎来到岩石”课程将让你在第一天攀登高达60英尺的高度. To learn more about Yosemite climbing, 前往埃尔卡皮坦桥,与优胜美地攀岩游骑兵聊天. The “Ask a Climber” program (11 a.m.–3 p.m. 夏天的时候,护林员、登山者和好奇的旁观者每天都会聚集在这里. 

Merced River Rafting

给你的肾上腺素放一天假,让你在慵懒的水面上轻轻漂浮 Merced River. Lie on your back in an inflatable raft, trail your fingers in the water, 在顺流而下时,仰望优胜美地的花岗岩墙壁. Rent equipment at Curry Village, drop your boat in the water, and wave hello to El Capitan as you pass. (班车会带你回到起点,这样你就可以为公园的其他活动节省精力.)

Tuolumne Meadows

系好你的靴子,沿着图奥勒米河(Tuolumne River)漫步轻松的小径,或者更崎岖的小路,到达高耸的圆顶和花岗岩支撑的高山湖泊的顶峰. Sleep in a tent cabin, nosh on a burger from the Tuolumne Grill, 或者去帕森斯木屋参加诗歌聚会. Time your trip to Tuolumne Meadows 小心,这个海拔8600英尺的国家只有在6月到10月才能进入.

Yosemite Falls

Upper, Lower, and Middle Yosemite Falls 这两个瀑布组成了北美最高的瀑布,最高的瀑布高达2425英尺. A challenging trail accesses the upper fall’s crest, 但是,可以轻松地漫步到较低瀑布的底部. 从4月到6月,穿上雨具——所有靠近的人都会被冰冷的浪花淋透.

Half Dome

One of the West’s most photographed landmarks, Half Dome inspires awe from every angle. Hardcore hikers can trek to its summit (permits are required); everybody else can admire its sheared-off granite from afar. 从巨石底部的镜子湖(Mirror Lake)欣赏美景,或者开车到冰川点路上的Washburn Point观景台.

Wawona Tunnel View

The vista from Tunnel View 是优胜美地最具标志性的景观之一,因安塞尔·亚当斯的一张照片而闻名. From the Wawona Tunnel’s eastern side, shoot your own postcard-panorama of Yosemite Valley, El Capitan, Half Dome, and Bridalveil Fall. 或者沿着波霍诺步道上山,可以看到更大的风景,在那里你可以相对孤独地欣赏风景.

The Ahwahnee Yosemite Dining Room

Grandeur rules at The Ahwahnee Dining Room. Bounded by massive timbered walls, 其34英尺高的天花板上点缀着数十盏锻铁枝形吊灯. (Ed. 注:阿瓦尼餐厅和游泳池从1月2日起暂时关闭, 2023, until Autumn 2023, to complete seismic upgrades to the building.巨大的落地窗被厚厚的窗帘框住,从里面可以看到约塞米蒂山谷的景色. 餐厅可容纳400人,在这个房子里没有不好的座位,尤其是在周日早午餐的时候. Be sure to check The Ahwahnee's guest updates prior to visiting. 

Glacier Point

Glacier Point从7214英尺高的高处俯瞰优胜美地山谷和高塞拉峰,令人难忘. 站在石壁旁,俯瞰Vernal瀑布、内华达瀑布和默塞德河峡谷, 或者走进花岗岩地质小屋,眺望半圆顶. Best time to visit? 日出或日落,当半圆顶和它的花岗岩邻居变成粉红色.

如果你想把你的旅行延伸到另外两个加州标志性的国家公园,可以考虑做 Majestic Mountain Loop. This packed itinerary is perfect if you’ve got limited days to spend in the High Sierra but want to see as much as possible; it takes you to three of the most iconic national parks in the state—Sequoia, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite—in three days. 旅游中包括每个公园的五个不可错过的景点, so you can be sure that you’re not missing any highlights.

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